Well he seems very active, a very agressive eater, and seems to be doing ok. Hydration doesn't seem to be a problem, I know for sure he knows where the water is because while sheding last night he was swiming around in the water. Here is a picture of him....
and a feeding pic from tonight....
I'm pretty positive that my tempatures are correct, I have an heat gun and everyone I've talked too says it is pretty accurate. If I temp gun the hot side depending on where I gun, it is between 85 - 90. On the cool side when I temp gun it is about 76. So assuming my temp gun is correct there should be a decent gradiant.
First thing I checked when I came home was eye caps, tail and vent. All were fine, I was even able to find the piece of shed from his head and verify that both eye caps came off so I was happy about that. I put him in a rubbermaid with a damp towel for a few hours and that cleaned off the rest of him. Could be that he was underfed where I got him from, they said his feeding schedule was every 7 days but you can never know for sure with some places. I haven't had a chance to weigh him yet because he is very skittish and allways on the move when handling. I've trying to let him calm down and handle him as little as possible. But only time will tell on that one. Thanks for the advice, hopefully his next shed when he has put on some weight and gotten more used to his new enviornment it will go better. Please if I'm missing something let me know, I'm allways open to suggestions on how to make things better for my snakes.