Cresties are okay in groups but there can be problems with some individuals. The females will form a pecking order, and chances are the lower ranking female(s) won't be breeding, but end up picked on. The most I've ever heard of living peacefully in anthing smaller than almost a room sized enclosure is 1.4, though my experience was 1.3 in a 100 gallon 'tank'.
Is there a solid divider/wall between the proposed crestie side and the tokay? I'm thinking that a tokay that close might not be a good neighbour for a crestie. Since wild cresties seem to be favourite food items, they are a bit wary of neighbours, and might percieve a tokay as a predator if he's so close they can see and/or smell him. It's just a thought, I'm not saying it can't work. I do know that I had to move my cresties from the room the leachianus is in - she was always glued to the door watching them, and they stayed on the opposite side of their tank where she couldn't see them very well.