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Old 03-19-04, 12:58 AM   #1
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Housing in groups....

Hi, I recently realized that this summer I will have an empty cage due too the fact one of my animals has out grown it, I build my own enclosures and designed this one too be the equivalent of two 70 gallon aquariums one side houses my tokay gecko who enjoys a very large cage bye himself because he doesn’t respond well too being housed with a mate. The other half is home too a baby burm who is growing rapidly and is getting a new cage built. Once this happens ill be left with a tall 70 gallon (tall) cage left empty that I cannot just put into storage because the tokay lives in the other half. I am wondering how many cresteds could live in this happily, and are males very territorial or could more then one male be in that large of a cage. Any advice form people with experience is always helpful, (care sheets aren’t always reliable, I prefer hear from those who have dealt with them)
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Old 03-19-04, 01:15 AM   #2
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I've been asking the same question and get very different responses. I have yet to try to house a large group but plan to at least have three females and one male, and from what i heard that is the limit for a 100 gallon tank, or a tank about 5 feet high.
Males do not do well together, some can be housed together, if and only if, there is no female envolved and they were juvys when placed together.
Hope this helps and if i pick up my other two females soon I'll let you know how it turns out, and just in case I have a place to seperate the females if they don't mix well.
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Old 03-19-04, 10:40 AM   #3
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Cresties are okay in groups but there can be problems with some individuals. The females will form a pecking order, and chances are the lower ranking female(s) won't be breeding, but end up picked on. The most I've ever heard of living peacefully in anthing smaller than almost a room sized enclosure is 1.4, though my experience was 1.3 in a 100 gallon 'tank'.

Is there a solid divider/wall between the proposed crestie side and the tokay? I'm thinking that a tokay that close might not be a good neighbour for a crestie. Since wild cresties seem to be favourite food items, they are a bit wary of neighbours, and might percieve a tokay as a predator if he's so close they can see and/or smell him. It's just a thought, I'm not saying it can't work. I do know that I had to move my cresties from the room the leachianus is in - she was always glued to the door watching them, and they stayed on the opposite side of their tank where she couldn't see them very well.
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Old 03-19-04, 11:07 AM   #4
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There is a solid wood divider between the 2 halves, they cannot see into each other’s enclosures at all,
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