I have kept an adult WC pair of nigerian uros for almost 3 years now. I was very selective and did a lot of research before making my purchase. This year I've decided to try breeding them. I cooled them down to 55 degrees for almost 3 months and kept them in darkness. This seems (so far) to have been a good choice. They bred within 3 weeks of coming out of hibernation for a week straight. So I'm going to keep my fingers crossed that she will produce. I'm curious, What temperature did you keep them at? were they all eating well? Did you keep them in a crowded enclosure?(uros need space) What were you feeding them?
I keep my uros enclosure at between 90-120degrees. I feed them a wide variety of food because they get board real easy. They eat collard greens, kale, escarole, dandelion flowers and foliage(in the summer), carrots, apple, zuccini, peppers, alfalpha, sweet potato, turnip, snow peas, green beans and some dry food such as wild bird seed mix, alfalpha pellets, lentils, split peas, chick starter all with a bit of calcium and d3 on top! Now thats a uro salad! This species has proved to be a bit difficult to keep but once you can cater to their individual needs they seem to do quite well. Good Luck!
2.2 uro geyri 1.1 uro ornatus 0.1 uro macfadyeni 2.1 uro maliensis 0.1 poodle 1.0 chi-poo 0.1 norwiegan elkhund/border collie kakariki parakeet