I was just going through some old photos and so I thought I'd post a few. I dont remember if I have shown these or not, so if I have, I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me!
Black Rat Snake - east KY, mid Sept. It was 60-65 out and this guy was so cold he wouldnt even move. Definitely the most lethargic snake I have ever seen.
<img src="http://www.picturevillage.com/photo/data/b8b2926bd27d4307569ad119b6025f94/12780_p187215.jpg"></img>
Northern Copperhead - east KY, mid Sept. Found this guy by sheer luck. I spent the whole day in vain looking for a copperhead, and as I was leaving the park, I saw a group of people looking at something near a hill. I decided at the last moment to stop and see what they were lookin at, and lo and behold, it was this guy.
<img src="http://www.picturevillage.com/photo/data/b8b2926bd27d4307569ad119b6025f94/full_12780_p187216.jpg"></img>
Midland Brown Snake - Central IN, late summer. These guys are quite common, but still neat none-the-less.
<img src="http://www.picturevillage.com/photo/data/b8b2926bd27d4307569ad119b6025f94/full_12780_p187219.jpg"></img>
Northern Copperhead - East KY, Sept. I love copperheads.
<img src="http://www.picturevillage.com/photo/data/b8b2926bd27d4307569ad119b6025f94/12780_p187217.jpg"></img>
Another Midland Brown from same location as the other one.
<img src="http://www.picturevillage.com/photo/data/b8b2926bd27d4307569ad119b6025f94/full_12780_p187218.jpg"></img>
Hope ya liked 'em!