They follow the room perimeters until they find a crack to squeeze into, then they stay there, someteimes for days, but they travel at night when they do decide to travel. If they get into the walls or if there are cracks in the floor, the chances of finding them are slim, unless they are a foot long or bigger
You can put tin foil around the walls and listen for the sound of them touching it at night. You can also lay down a line of baking soda or other powder to see the trail if they cross it. Corner wedge hide traps made from books or flat peices of wood, with one end jacked up with a pen, will sometimes work..Check every morning
Small sandboas, are the hardest to find. I once had one out for weeks, then noticed a little head sticking out from under the door moulding on the snake room door. As soon as I reached down it pulled itself into the wall, and up the door jamb.
I ended up ripping the entire facia off the door frame and found it up at ceiling level, hanging from a nail... Never thought sand boas would climb up,inside a wall but they will.
Seal up any and all cracks, and spend the next few nights looking with a flashlight.
Best of luck
Uncle Roy
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