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Old 03-03-04, 07:42 PM   #1
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Unfinished baby cages

This is what I have done with my little free time in the last 2 months:

This was my first attempt, after dealing with major lack of spare time, lack of the appropriate tools and lack of a heated and well ventilated area to dry the poly-urethane I think it isnīt too bad.

In the upper cages there are 0.0.3 (possibly 1.2) Lereh chondros and in the ground floor there are 1.1 Surinam Boas. The Surinam Boas have a removable glass divider so I can separate them for feeding.

J Fonseca
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Old 03-03-04, 07:43 PM   #2
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the pics didnt work for me man
Bud Wells
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Old 03-03-04, 08:55 PM   #3
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they worked for me...those look awesome!!! I really like that idea with the seperator while feeding, good job!
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Old 03-03-04, 09:10 PM   #4
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0.2 Bloods for Sale. Adult and juvinile. PM me for details.
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Old 03-03-04, 09:49 PM   #5
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Just a question here but shouldnt those UTH's be covered by something. It seems a little risky to not have them covered by something possibly leading to a burn.
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Old 03-03-04, 10:45 PM   #6
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I agree with Big_V, this may start a debate but why not house the two Surinam Boas in seperate cages. You don't want the female to have babies while she is so small, it could kill the her.

Plus there are tons of other reasons not to house to snakes together. But I'm not going to get into it.


I LOVE that cage, and the divider is an awesome idea! And those are some BEAUTIFUL chondros!


One thing I would have added though, a litter dam! lol
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Last edited by sapphire_moon; 03-04-04 at 12:13 AM..
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Old 03-04-04, 09:04 PM   #7
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Thanks for our opinions

Thatīs the beauty of this cage, itīs a 2 in 1. If I want I have both Boas in the same cage, if I want I have them in separate cages. I regret I didnīt do the same glass divider in the chondro cages, but when I got the glass idea it was already too late.

The heating mats never get hot enough, so they are safe to be unguarded.

In general I can say Iīm pretty satisfied with my first attempt, but Iīm always open to sugestions to improve it.


J Fonseca
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Old 03-12-04, 01:04 AM   #8
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Looks like a really nice set up. But I gotta agree with the others. Snakes are curious and can get into situations that most people would rather avoid. The exposed heat element and its wiring can create problems that should be avoided. The Surinams should be separated all the time till when ready to breed. You did not mention how soon you let them be together after feeding. But I can be dangerous for the weaker one of the 2 if the other smells the food scent on the other boa. From strikes to killing it trying to eat it. Best to avoid this altogether. A glass divider is a visually nice idea but dangerous too, if the other boa in time gets larger and sees a feeding it may think that glass is not there.

That is my 2 cents if it means anything.

Otherwise its a neat idea but does need a few tweaks on safety.


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Old 03-12-04, 12:50 PM   #9
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Although I don't think it's as important to separate *baby* surinames, they should be separated by the time they are a few months old. That's my opinion. But I agree that the heat tape needs to be taken to the OUTside of the enclosure. Other than that, I love the design of the cages. VERY nice work!
- Ken LePage
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Old 03-12-04, 02:17 PM   #10
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Pretty nice all around I think but I also question the way the heating was done. I don't know a damn thing about chrondos but being arboreal creatures I can see running the heat up the walls but for the boas it seems an inefficient way to do things. You're likely better off heating the bottom of the cage (from the outside) instead. I think that would work better and be much safer. It is a cool looking set up though.
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Old 03-25-04, 11:16 AM   #11
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most uth dont get above 95 to the touch.
if the heat has to get though wood, it will waste a lot, its not as if the snake can lay on the pad, i think it should be ok
Bush, Master of war
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Old 03-25-04, 11:37 AM   #12
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That's not correct KingFfaj. UTHs get to over 100 quite quickly. I'm guessing, but it looks like he has a strip of 4" and a strip of 11" heat tape. My 4" tape got to 110 degrees very quickly and I think Mykee said that the 11" gets to 140 degrees in minutes. At the least, they need to be on a dimmer, but as the others have stated for safety concerns, you might want to consider some changes.

I was also curious how you have the 4" wired to the 11" (if I am correct that that's what I'm seeing) as I only see one electrical cord, coming out of the 11" tape.
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