There are mites which will infest rodents, which can be a massive pain to deal with, especially if you have herps.
Most mites are very specific about the type of organism they'll feed on. If you have mites infesting your rodents rather than just being transported on them, then chances are good that they'll have no interest in your herps.
However... you can't use a chemical product to clear away the mites prior to feeding your rodents to a reptile. You can remove the mites very easily with provent-a-mite or black knight or even some flea powder (puppy or kitten formula, in a very small amount, under the bedding) but the rodents are then pretty toxic for awhile... Feeding them to a herp would cause some problems, being coated in poisons as they are.
The easiest solution I've ever seen to this kind of problem is to scrap your rodent colonies and start over. Someone might have another solution but the alternatives I have heard of in the past were generally fairly expensive and left the rodents unuseable for around a month (or more).
-Seamus Haley
"Genes, Like Leibnitz's monads, have no windows; the higher properties of life are emergent... And once assembled, organisms have no windows." - Edward Wilson, Sociobiology