Couple questions
I have a Black Breasted leaf turtle who I rescued from my Parents. He has a mild case of shell rot but is recovering nicely. He eats like a horse now and loves his worms. So far what I've been feeding him is Canadian nightcrawlers, bannanas, watermelon, apples, and grapes. I'm trying to introduce letuce and some veggies in his diet but so far he hasn't shown much interest in them.
My questions are this, should I have to calcium suplment with this diet? I've heard nightcrawlers are a great source of calcium and he just loves to eat those things up. I've been making them a regular staple in his diet.
The other question is that I keep him on sphagnum moss, and he has the tendancy to eat some when he is strugling with the nightcrawler. Should I be concerned about him ingesting it? I remeber the vet I took him too mentioned that it won't hurt him just wanted to get some other opnions on the subject.