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Old 02-15-04, 04:27 PM   #1
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Pics of my new girl

I just pick up this female red tail (I hope my other one is a male!). She's over 6½' and has a really sweat temper. It hard to tell from that pics but she has some dark pink, almost purple, all the way trought her side. I don't have much light in that room to take pics. And sorry about the black photoshop face, it was a good pic for the snake but about the worst for me!

www.Hiss n'
0.1 White-lipped python, 1.1 Dumeril boa, 2.2 color phase Amazone tree boa, 1.1 Borneo short-tailed python, 0.1 Red blood python, 1.0 Ambon mollucan Scrub python, 2.3.1 BCC, 1.0 Irian jaya carpet python, 0.0.1 Mangrove monitor and 1.1 Bearded dragons
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Old 02-15-04, 04:48 PM   #2
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lol i just thought you were wearing a hat a looking down, seriously
nice snake, he looks great! good luck wit him
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Old 02-15-04, 05:17 PM   #3
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Looks like a picture from High Times, showing off a big snake instead of a big pot plant. lol! You should get some shots of the tail on that girl, looks really different.
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Old 02-15-04, 05:29 PM   #4
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LOL Bartman i thought the same thing. Very nice boa, I can't wait til mine are that size.:bounce:
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Old 02-15-04, 07:39 PM   #5
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That tail looks pretty crazy there. If you can show us some close ups of that it would be tres cool.
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Old 02-15-04, 10:15 PM   #6
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Thanks everyone!

Actually, it's probably just the pics, the tail is normal looking, even a little too dark to be as nice as other redtail. I'll take some pics later but there's nothing special here.

tres cool.
Speak french Ryan? Or my english is bad and I don't know what "tres" meen?
www.Hiss n'
0.1 White-lipped python, 1.1 Dumeril boa, 2.2 color phase Amazone tree boa, 1.1 Borneo short-tailed python, 0.1 Red blood python, 1.0 Ambon mollucan Scrub python, 2.3.1 BCC, 1.0 Irian jaya carpet python, 0.0.1 Mangrove monitor and 1.1 Bearded dragons
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Old 02-15-04, 10:25 PM   #7
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Looks great!
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Old 02-15-04, 11:20 PM   #8
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Very nice! I thought you were wearing a hat too, until I looked closer.
So, is she going to get much bigger than that? I've been tentatively looking into getting a boa of some sort (either a central american or a columbian..) and I don't really know how large they are supposed to get. I've been doing research on the net, but I can't get a very clear picture of just how big and powerful these guys will be as adults.

She's a very beautiful snake. I love the tail pattern!

Tammy Rehbein
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Old 02-16-04, 02:26 AM   #9
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I should'nt have mention the photoshop corection, I agree it does look like a hat!

Tammy, she will probably grow bigger, but it's hard to say how big she will be since I never saw the parents, she was wc as a baby. I've seen a 11ft male and he was impressive. I'm not sure about the average but BCC grow bigger than BCI. Central american are amoung the smalest of the bci I think. Some line of hog island also stay small (5-6 ft)

If you what to see pics of the big one, try this website:
www.Hiss n'
0.1 White-lipped python, 1.1 Dumeril boa, 2.2 color phase Amazone tree boa, 1.1 Borneo short-tailed python, 0.1 Red blood python, 1.0 Ambon mollucan Scrub python, 2.3.1 BCC, 1.0 Irian jaya carpet python, 0.0.1 Mangrove monitor and 1.1 Bearded dragons
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Old 02-16-04, 01:09 PM   #10
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Jez nice aquisition there!
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Old 02-16-04, 03:53 PM   #11
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Congrats on the new girl! Good luck with your other little one, hopefully he turns out to be a he!
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Old 02-16-04, 04:16 PM   #12
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Jezabel, i take a peek into your gallery and i saw that you have a great collection! Congrats! Keep up the good work
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Old 02-16-04, 07:39 PM   #13
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Thanks for the king word! The little one I got earlier is doing great so I might try to breed them next year if everything goes well (and if it's a male!!!).

Thanks Greg, I only have part of my animals on the gallery here, I have all of them on my website, and some videos also Unfortunatly everything is in french.
www.Hiss n'
0.1 White-lipped python, 1.1 Dumeril boa, 2.2 color phase Amazone tree boa, 1.1 Borneo short-tailed python, 0.1 Red blood python, 1.0 Ambon mollucan Scrub python, 2.3.1 BCC, 1.0 Irian jaya carpet python, 0.0.1 Mangrove monitor and 1.1 Bearded dragons

Last edited by Jezabel; 02-16-04 at 07:42 PM..
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