Update on Frankensnake
For those of you that gave me encouragement with Jake the snake and all his health problems... thank you!
It has been two weeks of Genthro shots and water supplements to deal with the persistant abcesses on his face. He has been a trooper, not fighting me when I have to give him his shots, and being fairly good about being intubated to supplement his water intake. The stitches are healing up well and will come out tomarrow. We are going to the vet again because I want to make sure that the remaining abcess on his face is clearing up. I'm really hoping that I will not need to do another course of drugs, but we will see. The tissue around the stitches looks good and he has been more active lately. Still hasn't eaten, though, and it has been 2 months. I'm gong to try him today or tomarrow, see if he will eat. He has been cruising the cage a little, possibly trying to hunt. My roomie has a digital camera and I will ask him to take a pic of Jakes stitiches and face tonight before they come out.
I'll let you all know what happens tomarrow.
I'm right. You're wrong. Get over it.