Sounds like my lazy gramps (he's 5). Not much activity from him. he can barely be bothered to eat some times. Some days he just dosen't even get out of bed! And he sleeps far away from the heat source, temps could be around 15C sometimes. But he is a good old man.
He is still feisty when I try to pick him up, but otherwise just generally slow.
You could try limiting the areas Gus can go, if you are worried about him. Maybe older chams should be treated like young chams. Smaller space and more attention to details. More spraying, maybe even hand feeding. Just some thoughts.
>> My advice is based on my opinion and experiences only - people have different opinions and I respect that<<
3.1 veiled chameleons,0.1 nosey be panther cham, 1.3 leopard geckos
1.1 golden geckos, 2.2.100 bettas, 0.0.1 fire belly newt