Personally, I think "Reverse Pin-Stripe" is reaching a bit. Lots of cresteds have a slightly darker color underneath the crests on their sides.
As for what to call it a brown and tan speckled Crested Gecko...afterall, that's what it is. Personally, I think Cresteds are too variable for them to all fit into one of the six (pinstripe, dalmatian, tiger, fire/flame, harlequin, or patternless) categories. I really don't understand why everyone insists on grouping them all into one of those categories. The purpose of a name is to describe the animal, and as you can see, none of the usual names describe this one very well. That is, in fact, because you have a very unique Cresty.
Also, remember...brown babies/juvies can end up yellow or orange as adults. Just a thought.