Favelle this means you LOL...
Do you cool your BRB's?(I spoke with Brian MacDonald and he said he never cools his and has had litters 3 years in a row.)
I've done it both ways with equal success. Cycling is easier and it gives me more control, and thus a greater degree of predictability with my animals, so I chose the cycling method a long time ago. But it CAN be done without cooling. Especially with seasoned breeders. They just KNOW its time to go.
What day do you begin cooling your BRB's?
Friday, how about you?
Ha ha, JK. Usually Nov. 15th. That seems to work for my climate. May not work someone in Arizona, or someone in England, or even someone in Toronto. But the 15th of November is perfect for me.
Do you eliminate the hot spot gradually or all at once?
Ke-bang, buh-bye hotspot all at once. But not really, as you don't COOL Rainbows like a colubrid. Warm days (normal) and cool nights. That's how its done. So one day, the heat pads just go off for 14 hours a day. Its different for every room, for every collection, for every city, for every climate, etc etc etc. So don't copy me and say that I'm full of beans, ha ha!!!
Is it a gradual cooling for the ambient temp? If yes please give details on how you accomplish this including timeframes/dates/and temps.
Ambients go down by default, yes. By turning the heat pads/tape off, the whole cage ambient goes down. 72-76F at night, back up to normal during the day. Doesn't matter how its done, I just make sure to do it.
When do you stop feeding your males and females?
Males Nov. 1st, females when they become gravid (around March/April).
What day do you introduce them?
December - April, and every day inbetween.
What are the signs of breeding/courting activity in BRB's?
Sperm plugs EVERYWHERE (water dish, substrate, glass, walls, each other, etc etc. Its gross). Also, copulation is rarely less than 5-10 hours, so I ALWAYS see it (or so I assume). And they copulate off and on for 3 months, so you'd really have to neglect your snakes to not witness it.
How long do you cool them?
Same question as:
When do you bring the heat back?
I bring them back..... well.... it varies. Sometimes on January 15th, somtimes later. This year was 2 days ago (Jan. 22), because we had a cold spell here until Jan 19th. I didn't feel like wasting electricity, so I waited. I usually cycle at least 6 weeks though. Its doesn't reall matter though, I don't think.
Do you gradually bring the temps up/how do you accomplish it?
It all happens quite easily as the reptile room ambients are thermostatically controlled, so I just warm the nights back up. Nothing really gradual, as my temps weren't lowered that severe anyways. I also bump the humidity back up (yes it was lowered) in a speedy fashion. This really gets them going.
How hot of a hot spot do you give a gravid female?
88-90F localized.
BCI lay about 100 days after POS. Has anyone compiled this data for BRB?
I forget to count every year. LOL! And I just started recording that kind of data on a Palm Pilot this year, so I should be able to tell you. I know its over 100 days after POS.