Its better to feed a bigger meal less often (5-7 days) than to feed smaller meals frequently. Their stomach fluids need time to recuperate in between meals. I would definitely go ahead and offer two. If he's not interested in the second one, you can re-freeze it once if its only been left with him for 30 minutes or so. But I would wait at least 5 days since your last feeding before doing this.
0.1 Ball Python, 0.1 Creamsicle Cornsnakes, 1.0 Amelanistic Cornsnake, 1.0 Ghost Cornsnake, 1.0 Motel Amelanistic Cornsnake, 1.0 Okeetee Cornsnake, 0.1 Striped Amelanistic Cornsnake, 0.1 Silver Phase Miami Cornsnake, 0.1 Sunglow Cornsnake