Rob, I was actually going to post the same thing!
You know the B.emilia I got from you? Its not a tiny sling, so I figured it would be OK with bone-dry peat and a water dish. I kept seeing it standing over the dish all last week.
Then one day I saw it leaning forward, and had its mouth touching the water. Cool! I'm seeing a spider drink for the first time!
Next I saw it laying over the water. OH NO! I tapped the cage, and it ran off...
Next time I checked after that, I saw the whole body slumped down into the dish (the water level was low). I thought it was dead. I touched the cage and it ran off....
I dumped a bunch of water onto that end of the cage, now only half is moist. He sits on that side, but not in the water dish anymore, thank goodness. You can see in the 'my slings' post, how half is dark, and half is light (dry).
But the funny thing is, he shed only a couple of days after being shipped to me. He isn't going to molt, like your blondi did. Wierd, huh? I keep reading its best to keep older animals bone dry...