I purchased a Sumatran Red Blood in September. At 15" she was pretty young. I gave her a few days to settle in, handling her very little for short periods. I then began to take her out and let her lay on my chest with my hand partially covering her for an hour at a time,2-3 times a day. I found that if I laid her on the bed or on the floor, she felt insecure right away and would flatten out defensively, and poise herself for attack. I think the "openness" of being totally unsheltered is not good until they gain some confidence. Now, 4 months later, she is 26" and at good heft, she's not headshy at all and I can rub her gently on the nose. She's actually tamer than my 2 ball pythons. She was a slow starter at feeding, taking 5 weeks for her first meal, and now eats a large mouse every 3-4 days(FT) except when in a shed( she takes 2 weeks from start to finish) Once i figured her out, she was great, and easy to please. She is turning out to be very orange/yellow now, which actually looks really nice, and she also changes her head color from a deep brown to pink/tan. I haven't figured out exactly what spurns the change, but it's fairly quick(1-2 min.) I would definitely start yours on FT prey to eliminate the strike reflex. I put a little drop of clean bacon fat on the back of the neck of the mouse to entice her and she can't resist! I named her Lapar which is Indonesian for "hungry" which is what she's been since she started feeding.