Have mostly land.... otherwise the crickets will drown. A good water dish is all you need for water. For a substrate.. stick with a coco-husk fiber subtrate like eco earth or bedabeast, these are ideal as live plants can be planted in it.. and it is least likely to cause impaction for these messy eaters. Stay away from any wood based substrate..as well as that esu jungle mix crap.. it has vermiculite in it.. a bad thing for a frog to ingest. Live plants work well too... snake plants, pothos.. though fake is fine..live is better..I would also eventually move them into something other than a rubbermaid... I am afraid it may not be well ventlated enough. Go for something at least a 20 gallon tall.. though bigger is much better as even 20 gallons is a little too small for these large hylids.
Good luck
"If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now. It's just a spring clean for the May-queen."
-Led Zeppelin