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Old 12-06-03, 12:28 AM   #1
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Disgusting shipping incident...

A good friend had 2 CBB young female tegus delivered from Missouri to Harrisburg PA on overnight express delivery. They showed up at 10am bax still warm and the animals were EXPLODED still in their bags inside the boxes and padding. Their abdominal areas were bloated like a ballon and split open wide bags soaked in blood. Ive never had a problem with this shipping company at all but they have tried some crap already with him. To me it seems as if they stuck the box in a microwave oven and blew them up. The company want to only reimburse for $100 but the shipping was $83, and the the animals are worth in excess of $500.
All opinions or explanations wanted, lawyers may be involved in the future.
For now Ill refrain from posting the companies name.
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Old 12-06-03, 12:50 AM   #2
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That's awful

Well, I think first it should be determined how the animals died. I doubt that they stuck the box in a microwave... what else could have happened to it?
How well was it packaged? Correctly packaged, it should be near impossible to kill herps being shipped unless they are exposed to extreme conditions.

So, like I said, you'd need to find out what happened to the animals before taking any action.

Hopefully it all works out and you can somehow get reimbursed...
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Old 12-06-03, 01:44 AM   #3
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Ah man thats the sh!tts. It really sounds like they were not in a pressurized area, thats what would deffinately make them explode. Check with the airline about what compartment they were in and if it was pressurized.
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Old 12-11-03, 12:23 AM   #4
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Sounds like someone tried to warm them up.
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Old 12-12-03, 06:32 AM   #5
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It was determined by UPS that it was their fault...

Because the box was sat with 15,000lbs of dry ice and frozen beef, frozen shrimp because of the holidays coming. They also apologized because "they were suposed to be stored in a heated cabin where live animals are kept for delivery". And yes they are making some compensation as to not charging for the shipping costs, deleting a few other shipping costs, and sending $100.
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