new bloods eating habits
I have had my red blood for a little over two weeks now. I tried to feed after 7 days, a f/t rat pup. No I left it over night, and of course, it did not eat. I waited another week and tried again. Again, no reaction at all, so I left it over night and it didn't eat again. I waited 3 days and tried a live weanling mouse (supervised!) and nothing happened.
I have worked with a few snakes that didn't want to eat before, so I'm not worried about getting it to feed. I will try chicken broth scenting, braining, etc.. I'm just wondering how long this could go on. I've read that bloods can take a long time to acclimate. How long did yours take? Have you found that some things works better than others for bloods? (live, scenting, braining, etc?)
Also, here are some stats on her: 90 degree hot spot, about 80% humidity with a good drying out period, humid hide, large water dish (and it is used!), hides on cool and hot sides. She is very active and seems to be doing really great other than not eating yet.