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Old 11-13-03, 05:12 PM   #1
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Talking Darn College

ao all the colleges i talk to i always ask this on question, do you allow pets on campus? i always get the same answer NO.

so im talking to a Longwood rep today and i ask her and she says no but, i think they allow fish in fish tanks, so i cleverly ask what about snakes in a fish tank. she shot a cross look at me, but every one was laughing b/c 90% of the people at school know about my herp obssesion, and that i couldnt live w/o my lovely Farkus!

oh well, maybe my room mate will be cool with it and wont tell, or better yet have a male bp for her! i can only wish, but im still trying to think of how i will hide her.
I got a bunch of snakes and a bunch of guns
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Old 11-13-03, 05:29 PM   #2
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Closet and Rubbermaid that's not see through! i've been contemplating the same thing if I choose to go away when I go back to College.

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Old 11-13-03, 05:33 PM   #3
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Why don't you get an apartment nearby?
You don't necessarily have to live in residence if you can't find one that allows pets.
My $0.02
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Old 11-13-03, 09:35 PM   #4
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i agree with off campus. you can eat REAL food and "sleep" on your own bed.
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Old 11-13-03, 11:47 PM   #5
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Don't get me wrong, rez life is wicked.
I lived in residence for 3 years, best times of my life and I met most of my closest friends there. But I didn't have any reptiles then either... I'm not sure if you could hide reptiles very well, but I did manage to make a mean batch of home brew under my desk

where are you looking to go to school?
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Old 11-14-03, 12:24 AM   #6
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Unless you have some sort of housing scholarship living off campus may prove to be cheaper. At least that's the case for me.
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Old 11-14-03, 09:58 AM   #7
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Are you planning on going away to college or attending one localy?
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May you live in interesting times.
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Old 11-14-03, 09:58 AM   #8
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WEll personally, I don't see the problem, if they allow fish in tanks, why not snakes? I mean they ARE cleaner than fish... ever smell aquarium water after 6 months? lol
If toast always lands butter-side down, and cats always land on their feet, what happens if you strap toast on the back of a cat and drop it?"
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Old 11-14-03, 01:28 PM   #9
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lol, Campus? lol I can't even live in the city limits with mine. NMSU campus also has a no pet policy. It gets ignored and the campus has probably close to 1000 feral cats. They trap, spay, and neuter the animals then re-release them, it has had a negative effect on the campus bird population.
Old 11-14-03, 01:42 PM   #10
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i was thinking Va Tech, but more closer to GMU b/c its like 15min. away, and all the reqs my rep says i met, and more, so i think i will be applying soon
I got a bunch of snakes and a bunch of guns
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Old 11-14-03, 01:43 PM   #11
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*shrug* I don't see why campuses should allow people to keep pets. The buildings are a part of the college, they aren't condos. If you want to install a jacuzi and tear down walls and own snakes and caimens then get your own place. Not everyone is cool with snakes, just like not everyone is cool with dogs, and if you're living in a big building with many people (and roommates) who are going to college too, they shouldn't have to deal with that. How would you like it if they allowed dogs and you were terribly allergic?

Logically, there is nothing wrong with keeping snakes if you're responisble... most stay smallish, don't cost much, easy to care for, don't stink etc, but you always run the risk of them escaping which isn't cool for the other people there. I dunno, some places you go you need to deal with the rules. Part of life...

Is there nowhere they can live for the years you are in college?

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Old 11-15-03, 12:01 AM   #12
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why live on campus ? isnt it just as expensive as renting a house with some friends or an apartment or even a room?
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