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Old 08-11-02, 10:20 PM   #1
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help if you can plz....

I have 4 baby leo's that are having some problems and from speaking with a few members of the board we have diagnosed that they have soem kind of fungus... and i'm in search of some Flagyl or panacur to try and rid them of this... I have been told I should give them 2cc and then another 2cc 7 days later that would be 16cc I need... just wondering if anyone has any that they could spare?

thanks in advance.

Cheers –
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Old 08-11-02, 10:49 PM   #2
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allready found it

hopefully this does the trick 8-(
Cheers –
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Old 08-12-02, 09:53 AM   #3
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i hope so too
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Old 08-12-02, 02:04 PM   #4
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DOSAGE sounds off to me.

That dosage sounds way off to me. I use panacur and the dose is .025cc per 10 grams of body weight. Make sure you give the right does. Panacur is pretty forgiving but Flagyl is not. Another thing is when using Flagyl its important to know what kind of parasites your dealing with. Hope I helped you.
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Old 08-12-02, 06:58 PM   #5
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Do those meds even touch fungus?

I've never heard of either of those meds being used for fungus. Also, the dosage you mention does seem a bit much, as was stated already.
What are the symptoms, since fungus is a rather vague diagnosis, and somewhat unusual for an arid environment animal.
It would help if you mentioned where you're located, since this is an international forum.
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Old 08-13-02, 01:01 AM   #6
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dd: they are not eating at all.. very lil when they do.... they refuse to eat mealworms.. and will eat some crickets but i havent noticed them eating any lately. they have lost alota weight.. they average around 5.6grams. They are mostly dark all of hte time and they get white sploch's looks liek its dried skin but i dont understand how that can be when there are moist hides that are always moist for them if need be. They dont go to the bathroom at all... when they do its not constant its runny and what not... at first i thought they where not eating due to stress.. then i saw two fighting a few days later so i seperated the two that where fighting and left 3 in one enclosure and 1 on his own. there are more then enough hides in both... when they where all in the one they had enough to have thier own and to pick from a few diff locations... 6 hides in total. its been almost 5 weeks now since i got them so I dont think its stress from the move.. would they have not setteled in by now? I have two other tanks of leo's that are doing perfectly fine... and they all are kept in the same maner.. so its not like the temps are off... the above dossage was suggested to me by another member of this board. I am open to advice suggestions to get this taken care off... also someone else who got from the same stock is having the same problem and he has taken it to a vet the fecal came back fine and the vet couldnt find anything wrong with the leo.

as for where i'm located... i'm in mississauga ontario.
Cheers –
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Old 08-13-02, 01:05 AM   #7
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Geez man....

I hope your leos make it through super healthy and all that.
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Old 08-13-02, 07:57 AM   #8
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best of luck to ya bud
:grab: Ze Jotun :grab:
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Old 08-13-02, 08:09 PM   #9
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lotsaluck kiddo
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