Baby Jamaicans
On stage number one is Slowpoke. '01 female...
She is almost strictly arboreal, only comes down pretty much because that's where I leave her food
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Think someone thinks they are a ball! She ALWAYS has her head hiding... if you coax her head out of her coils its only for her to go hide it in another part of her
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Took forever, but I managed to capture a pic of her head
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Now on stage number two is her no name '01 little boy
Complete opposite... this little monster bites at everything, even himself! The lighting isn't good enough for closeups in his area so I had to prop a big flashlight on the other him look like he's in a dream for some reason
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Slow growing no doubt! He's actually the larger of the two (which almost makes me wonder if the sexes weren't switched up?) 2 years old...
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Thanks for taking a gander at the show, hope you enjoyed