Hey fellow islander
Your looking for a boa eh. There are alot in the classifieds, but the person I got mine from is jamie at (jkreptiles@hotmail.com)he is located in edmonton. His snakes are very nice and mine is super tame at a good price. I'm not sure if he has any left but give him a try you won't be dissapointed.
Good luck in your search
Cal kingsnake, Ball pythons, BCC's,Colombian redtail boas,Hog island boas, Brazilian rainbow boas,Ksb, Mbk's, Jcp's,Gtp, Borneo blood pythons, Hognose,sinaloan milks,greybanded kings,Bearded dragons, Pitbull&Boxer,Piranhas&Oscars.
Girlfriends just don't understand.