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Old 10-06-03, 11:29 AM   #1
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what a difference

Well i was walkin my dog again and took my camera with me too. Was trying all the settings and stuff. It was very sunny so i didnt use the flash. But i just had to try it and used it later on anyway and what a difference did it make.
Here are 4 pics, the left pictures are without the flash and the right pictures are with the flash:

Im pretty sure i will be using the flash more often now. Im just trying to say, just try everything on your cam. Even if it doesnt make sense to use it
Greetz Daan

p.s sorry i havent got pics of herps, but its rather hard to make pics of them, if you dont have them
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Old 10-06-03, 04:56 PM   #2
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Talking Better now?

This is your 2nd photo on the left...
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Old 10-06-03, 04:58 PM   #3
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and this is your 2nd photo on the right
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The fear leads to death as the window to the courtyard...JUMP!
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Old 10-06-03, 05:02 PM   #4
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Definetly, the best way to learn and improve is to try every feature. It's not like you're wasting film either.
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Old 10-06-03, 06:57 PM   #5
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a flash can be nice but also i wouldnt use it too much, when you use a flash especally with close up shots your picture becomes the flash. depending on what kind of camera your useing ,digital or not, there are other good ways to make you picture show more light. i.e. try playing with apature some. i know some digital cameras that will alow you to set your own apature, if you dont know what that is it is basicly how much your lense opens and how much light is being alowed in. but trial and error seems to work the best, keep up the good work
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Old 10-07-03, 12:32 AM   #6
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hmm your flash pictures are darker than your non flash ones? My guess would be that your camera is increasing the shutter speed due to the flash being in use on a bright day and the actual flash itself is having no effect on the shot.

Im not sure what camera you are using or how "tweakable" it is but there are a number of ways you could possibly achieve this effect without the flash. 1) decrease the iso setting 2) increase the shutter speed 3) Try a polarizing filter 4) increase your f/stop...but that affects your focal depth

the shots on the right are definitely better.
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