LOL at Favelle!
I have never seen anything negative come from inbreeding reptiles, nor heard of anything that can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.
Back when I had corn snakes my creamsicle corns were extremely inbred. This caused a lot of the babies to have stumped heads, and most did not live long.
You can also see the effects of inbreeding in albino boas. Inbreeding doesn't cause albinism but all Kahl albino boas originated from one female. A lot of albino boas are born blind, one eyed, or still born because of this. Keep in mind every time someone breeds an albino to a normal or het the bloodline gets stronger. Two of our albinos are from Albino to het breedings and one is from a het to het breeding making their genetics very strong, so hopefully when we eventually breed albino to albino we don't get one eyed monsters!