Well here goe's nothing.
I Never bread anything B4 So I dont have high expectations.
I have now placed my dwarf retic's together I have there heat off at night and on high during the day the herp room ambient tem is like almost as low as 70*F I have talked to a few breeders and they told me that these temps are not to low during the breeding season.
I have placed my Ball pythons together also and my female was like a FREEEAK. man she started to shake her tail and opaning her cloaca and all that good stuff. I just wana make sure that this is normal behavioure.
I am now looking for advice on what needs to be done from here.
like I seperate them how often and and can I still feed my female during these times as long as she eats I know that when she stops eating it could be for good reason so do I take advantage of this time where she will pack a few more good meals in her.
and one last thing My male ball python has not eaten a meal since I have had him but my female is a real pig. this is what I think hapend he was stresed out from me bringing him home and just did not eat and then I think breeding mode kicked in and he just said to him self the hell with it I will eat after the job gets done.
what I am asking is, is it safe to have my male breeding all thow he did not eat all summer or will he just catch up later he has not lost a great amount of weight so that is why i am not force feeding or anything like that and he is full of energy he is alwase trying to escape from his cage. so he is not dying so to speak.
well that is all my questions for now I hope you all can help me out thanx in advance.
0.1 Jungle Carpet Pythons,