Jen, Jen, Jen...I've told you can start it off in a big rubbermaid, but he might feel insecure and be testy, and might refuse you can provide hides and whatnot to alleviate this, or you can start him off in a shoebox, if you're really know how my worm acts, but chicome wasn't like that at all...and she was in a 20 gallon as a for the heat, don't let it go past 90F and don't let it drop below 70F and you'll be fine. Humidity isn't a big deal, only when it's shedding, and what I do is when they're in the blue (foggy eyes) I throw in a margarine container filled with damp paper towel, they spend a few days in there and shed like a dream. Easy peasy! Typical colubrid husbandry applies.