Thanks for the compliment Brandon.
RedDragon and I have 4 Kenyans, and they are among our favorite species to keep. You'll never in a million years find a species that is more docile than KSBs. They are super easy to keep too - 20 gal for a female, 15 gal for a male, no humidity, only a small water dish. If you're looking to breed, you have the added advantage of live birth. We put all of ours in finely shredded aspen, and the kenyans do quite well in it. Some here use newspaper, but I personally wouldn't. I think they like to feel some weight on top of them.
Cons? Hmmm... some can be picky feeders. They are an ambush predator, and there is a risk of them digesting substrate if you feed them in their enclosure. However, we have thus far had huge success with fresh killed prey using the old feed bucket in a dark closet method. Other than that, I can't think of anything bad to say about Kenyans. I recommend them to anyone and everyone.
If you have any specific questions, feel free to post 'em. There are lots of KSB keepers here, not just Dragon and I.