This is from an FAO report on meat processing. Part of the study does involve carcasses but I don't think accounts for gut-load nutritional values. Hope this helps.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Nutritional Changes by Freezing
Meat is frozen without any prior treatment, unlike vegetables which have to undergo a preliminary blanching process to destroy enzymes involving considerable loss of water-soluble nutrients. So there is little or no loss of nutrients during the freezing procedure, nor, so far as there is reliable evidence, during frozen storage - apart from vitamin E.
Proteins are unchanged during frozen storage but fats are susceptible to rancidity. Pork and poultry meat are more susceptible since they are richer in unsaturated fatty acids than other meats, and comminuted meat is also very susceptible to rancidity because of the large surface area which is accessible to oxygen.
The vitamin E is damaged because the first products of fat rancidity, hydroperoxides, are stable at the low temperature and oxidise the vitamin. At room temperature they break down to harmless peroxides, aldehydes and ketones, so that vitamin E is more stable at room temperature than during frozen storage.
The losses incurred in frozen meat mostly take place when the meat is thawed, and juices are exuded containing soluble proteins, vitamins and minerals. This is termed "dripthaw" and the amount depends on the length of time of ageing (time between slaughter and freezing), whether frozen as carcass or meat cuts, conditions of freezing and speed of thawing; it varies between 1% and 10% of the weight of the meat and is usually about 5%.
There is some loss of nutrients when the meat is cooked after thawing; results published in the scientific literature tend to measure the combined losses from the original fresh meat to the final cooked product. Unfortunately the results vary so much that it is not possible to draw conclusions.
It must be emphasised that the variations are largely due to difficulties in analysis of the B vitamins, and to differences in conditions and methodology - even results from the same laboratories are inconsistent. This is illustrated very clearly by results published from one group of investigators who examined pork loin after freezing and storage at -12°C and 24°C and subsequent cooking at regular intervals over one year for changes in thiamin, riboflavin and pyridoxine (Mikkelsen, Rasmussen and Zinck 1984). Despite constant experimental conditions analyses at two monthly intervals showed wide fluctuations, especially for thiamin, which were attributed by the authors to difficulties in analytical methods.
It was tentatively concluded after storage at -12°C and cooking that about 90% of the thiamin was retained but no firm conclusions could be drawn about other vitamins. No conclusions could be drawn about storage at the lower temperature!
For riboflavin about 90% was retained at -12°C and 100% after storage at -24°C and cooking, although these results were also variable.
For pyridoxine 80% was retained when stored at -12°C and cooked but the results were erratic.
In the same report ground beef was examined only after 1 year storage and showed 80% retention of thiamine, 85% of riboflavin and 100% of pyridoxine at both temperatures.
A summary of earlier work (Fennema 1975) suggested that losses during freezing and storage of meat and poultry for 6 - 12 months at -18°C but excluding subsequent cooking, ranged between zero and 30% for thiamin, riboflavin, niacin and pyridoxine. A survey of frozen meals analysed after freezing, storage and cooking reported losses of up to 85% of thiamin, 55% of vitamin A, 33% vitamin E, 25% niacin and pyridoxine (De Ritter et al 1974).
Little research in this area has been reported in recent years and this limited number of reports illustrates the difficulty of making even generalisations about the stability of vitamins in frozen meat products