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Old 09-07-03, 06:04 PM   #1
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Help! Sick Water Dragon

I have just taken on a very weak aussie water dragon. She recently laid some eggs, and has apparently not put on any weight. She is skinny, has her eyes closed. She looks quite emaciated. She has some colour (pink under her chin, green and green stripes on her body) and responds to being touched and such a little bit, but I'm trying not to get her to use up her energy.

When I get home, I'll be placing her in a rubbermaid with some branches and such, and a tub of water. What should I do for her? I'll be giving her bug juice and lots of water tomorrow with a syringe, is there anything else I should do for her? I would take her to a vet but she isn't SICK, and I think the move would be worse for her.

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Old 09-07-03, 06:12 PM   #2
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no expert on water dragons but try and get a fecal done on her. Maybe thats the problem? Hope she makes it! ill be crossing my fingers for ya!
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Old 09-07-03, 06:37 PM   #3
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I too am not a WD expert but i do own a chinese water dragon. I would say go for the bugjuice and water but also see if she will take any small crix. Maybe after you get her stable take her to a vet, but if she is as bad as she sounds I wouldn't risk it now. I know a vet visit really stresses my dragon and he seems to hate me for a couple of days after. Make sure she stays warm, has lots of humidity, and has a UV light. Was she neglected or just failed to put on the weight being sickly? I know my WD closes his eyes when he is scared and is trying to "hide", she maybe doing it cuz of that or just because she is so weak. My WD has never been sick so I am not sure exactly how they act, but if she recovers I'm sure you will have a great friend on your hands.

Good luck! I hope she pulls through!
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Old 09-07-03, 07:36 PM   #4
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I don't believe she is sick, I jsut think she laid her eggs way too soon and then never put any weight back. I haven't examined her yet, but I sure hope she hasn't retained an egg .

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