Bloods are typically larger than Borneos, though not always (<a href="">click here</a> for a huge Borneo). Main differences are scale counts and colouration. Both Borneos and Bloods are sensitive temeperament-wise... very vocal animals, and can be quite variable. Neither of my borneos has tagged me (yet...), but you so much as walk past or open their enclosure and they are huffing, puffing, and blowing wind. They jsut like to complain. The most important factor in having a somewhat manageable blood/stp is to get a captive bred animal. Imports are what gave these snakes such a horrible reputation. Females will most likely reach the larger end of the spectrum as well so take that in to account. Never been bitten by an adult, hope never to, don't think I will be that lucky, but I have heard they inflict one of the most painful bites