Sound like your doing a great job in educating your family in the wonderful world of herping… But be careful at those Herp Societies. Especially if they have a rescue placement program!!! Before you know it your home will become a tropical rain forest full of rescued animals… Trust me I have been there… It took me over 5 years to find good home for all the animals I just had to save / had to have.
From Dart frogs to leopard frogs, bull frogs, toads, salamanders, lizards, barded dragons, water dragons, iguanas, monitors, water snakes, garden snakes, corn snakes, pythons, turtles, and lets not forget the baby alligators that I just had to have…
BUT don’t misunderstand me,.. I love Herp Societies but I have a big problem!.. And that problem is my WIFE if I try to bring another herp in my home.
Just kidding :joker: my wife is the most wonderful and understanding woman in the world! I wouldn’t be the Happy Man I am today if it wasn’t for her…
Have fun and keep us posted on that Herp Society your joining.