crap...try NIX. i konw it works for lice, and i know it's safe for snakes cause that's what you use for mites
Not quite true.
Nix Ingredients:
Active Ingredients
Permethrin is very deadly for snakes and other reptiles.
Even when diluted it should NEVER be used directly on a snake or any of its' food sources, water bowls etc.
Sure, it IS the active ingredient in Provent-o-Mite, but even the directions on that can says to treat the cage, not the snake.
It can cause many problems, from irreversible neurological issues up to and including death even in small amounts.
we've used Eqvalan aka ivermectin
Ivermectin has its' good points and its' bad points.
For animals that are never going to be feeders, internal dosing is fine.
For animals that are destined for the dinner plate, a different approach is needed in using ivermectin.
Dilute with tap water and mist it onto the animals fur.
The mites, tick etc will die off in droves.
You can wash/bathe the rodents in a few days, then give them a few days to renew that rodent smell, then whack and freeze or feed.
Other bad points for ivermectin, include the possibility of killing off any bugs you have as pets or feeders, if any over spray reaches them.
If a hots keeper, then you should know this already -
Ivermectin is deadly for pit vipers. Do not use it in any way shape or form, in, on, around or in and on their food.
Vapona, it's effectiveness depends on just how close of a proximity it has with the host animal.
Too far away, no good.
Close enough to work, good for the host, bad for the snake that may be eating it later. It is deadly for snakes to injest, so it should be used for treating non feeder items, such as
pet rodents.
There is a commercial rodent mite/flea treatment.
Again, not to be used on feeder rodents. Pets only.
Yup, I've had huge problems with rodent mites, as they love humans too.
True, and with the rodent mites being drawn to warm blood, then no danger to the snakes at all.
Advantage is a flea control product that has been used successfully in treating parasites in rodents.
Yes, BUT there is a proper way and an improper way to use Advantage.
For pet rodents, a small drop on the back of the neck, same as treating a cat or dog.
For feeders, it needs to be diluted.
A large tube (for big dogs) mixed in one (1) gallon of water.
Misted on the fur, substrate, all over the cage basically to ensure killing all the mites quickly. (Keep the spray bottle well shaken as Advantage seperates easily)
Give them a few days and bathe/wash, whack and freeze/feed.
When mixed in this ratio, Advantage is also safe for boids in the treatment of mites/ticks.
Same plan, dilute and spray all over the snake, substrate, cage etc.
I have used it myself, successfully, in eradicating a mite infestation.