he's a she!!!!!!!!!
i just got back from the vet w/ Fark, no problems just a check up. she said he looked fine, and other than not eating on his own, he is perfectly fine. before we were done we asked if she could sex Farkus, she said yes, i asked how much, and she said it was free w/ a vet trip. last time it was $30, so who knows, anyways when she got back, both the vet, and the tech had a smirk on their face, i said "well....", "it's a female!" they exclaimed. i felt like a father waiting to hear the news of his new baby! im so excited, by brother's snake is a definite male, so we may have a breeding opportunity in a while. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, im soo excited.
AND, on top of that, when i pulled Fark out of HER cage i noticed her color was off, and then i noticed her eyes were blue, so im excited about that too! my baby's first shed. i think i might keep it! c ya
I got a bunch of snakes and a bunch of guns