Need advice- unfeeding leo
My friend has a 15 month old female leopard gecko that has not been eating for a while now. She brumated from about October-January and started eating a few crickets a day, but then stopped and now she hasn't eaten anything for a few months. She's pretty active, she moves around and drinks water, but she refuses to eat; crickets die in her cage and mealworms morph into beetles. Her tail hasn't shrunk down used to be very plump and it's still pretty plump. I force fed her some chicken baby food and parazap mixture today and gave her some watered down gatorade just in case she was dehydrated. I don't think the situation's bad enough to take the leo to the vet... although some people might disagree with me. Any other things I could feed her through an eyedropper? No insect slurries, my friend absolutely refused to do that. I was wondering where I could get some Jumpstart or anything similar to that product. Thank you.