... just read the August issue of reptiles magazine. Very nice.
The articles are excellent {biased opinion}. The info in this issue offers insight and answers to many different questions, at many different levels. The who, what, where, when, and why's of venomous snake keeping are addressed in a manor in which to include all herpers at all levels in all situations. Way to go Russ...I can only imagine the sleepless nights spent while editing THIS issue. {Whew}. Anyway, I would also like to thank an "old" freind for his efforts in co-writting the article located on pages 64-75 titled "Safety Tips for Venomphiles". Very nice job "Ace". This is an excellent article and full congrats are issued. Mr. Hunter is one of the most knowledgable venomous snake keepers anywhere. It was many an early Saturday morning YEARS and YEARS ago when I'd show up on his door step, egar to help with the duties of cleaning and feeding his personal collection and it is to this experience, and his kindness that my passion and fascination for poisonous snakes was both cultured and honed to the current level I enjoy today. Thanx again and stay safe! Cheers!
Chris @ C.H.S.