I don't know about the dried millis around the water dish, but if you're worried about baby millis drowning in the dish, you should put less water in it, don't forget that millis can get their water from vegetables too, so water is not that critical because they have other ways to get water.
I don't think fruit flies are a problem to baby millis.. aren't fruit flies eating fruits? lol
For the infestation problem, dry out the substrate. Or change it (you'll loose babies if you do that). You might have resistant millis as african giant black ones, millipedes are sometimes doing better in dry environment than humid ones, my 8 AGBs are currently on dry peat moss, because I had a good mites infestation, they were breeding too much! So I washed everyone and kept up to 10 good mites on each millis. I hope that they won't come back in number or I'll have to kill all the good mites, even if I don't want too (good mites cleans millipedes' sensual bodies)
You should remove the rotten food, even if millis sometimes prefer that, it is a breeding ground for fruit flies. Just keep fresh vegetables/fruits.
You have cucumber soup in your tank? err.. isn't it smelling?
Mom.. this worm is a millipede and those crabs are scorpions!