If you're not sure, it's best to leave it to a vet. But if you feel that this guy needs dire help and you feel up to it, get some hydrogen peroxide and some Betadine.
Pour a dilute solution of the peroxide and water over the wound, let it fizzle for a few seconds and then rinse with water. Then apply some betadine via a swab or gauze on the wund and leave it.
The peroxide helps to get rid of infect tissue. But it also burns off normal tissue, hencw why you have to be quick. So that it only gets the infected surface. The betadine disinfects and prevents infections. You could also try washing off the betadine and applying polysporin. Or wassit neo-sporin. Damn! Not sure which, cos I know that only one of it is good. The other isn't recommended. Ah heck, foret te polysporin part.
As for the vent, I can't say as I dunno what is going on there.
Your vet should be able to deal with the rest. Good Luck!
The Herp Room
"The day I tried to live, I wallowed in the blood and mud with all the other pigs" - C. Cornell