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Old 06-24-03, 09:33 PM   #1
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I have decided on a Mali Uro...can use some help on caging

I have decided on getting a Mali Uromastyx as my larger lizard. I have done all my research and have decided upon a cage being
40" long 18" wide 20" high. The cage will be all wood except for one wall, I want it to be either plexi or glass. I would prefer plexi because it is cheap and easy to use, only question is will it be able to take the 130F heat? Or is there different types of plexi I can use that will be able to take it? If not im sure I can find someone in Calgary to cut the glass for me and I could pay them for it.

Also, if possible could you send me pics of you mali's adult cages and dimensions? That would help me out a lot so I could have something better to build by.


Jeff Terborg
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Old 06-25-03, 04:37 PM   #2
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Go with glass...Malis dig quite a bit..n there claws are pretty sharp...u wouldnt want the plexi getting all scratched..

130 is a great temp!...

That size Ok for 1 mali.....but i would preffer a 4feet by 2feet by 18"(inche) .......They are VERY active....n u will see it run around alot.!!
Its not gonna cost that much more...

and for decor....Use flat rocks.......Dont use too many things that Elavates.........Keep it simple...dont use any green decor...
*KEEP it simple*...they have more room to run!!!*

Hope i Helped
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