Thanks, I can't name her Angel, got a snow dragon with that name. lol. She is on her 5th day now but I still worry alot about her. She is so fragile and the only way I can get her to eat is to pick her up and stick a worm in her moth while she yells at me. I give her one in the morning and one or two at night, depending on how many she will take. she has one eye that stays shut and has a little discharge that comes out of the nostril on that same side. I really hope she makes it. She is so cute.
I want to keep her for myself aswell. I don't care if I have to handfeed her the rest of her life, as long as she makes it. She is so tiny, I have to find the perfect name for her, something that will encourage her to be strong, live long, and continue to thrive.

I was thinking of Amelia, or little Annie. lol.