I do not recommended mixing species in one enclosure.
I have seen this done successfully ony in a zoo or other institution. There are way to many variables to consider when housing two species together, let alone frogs and lizards. The requirements if each need to be met, and if they are form the same part of the worl;d there are still the bacteria and other parasties that each may have naturally that might bad for the other. In the natural enviroment, there is enough space between the animals for these bacteria (etc.) not to come in contact with the other species, but in an enclosued enviroment they cannot help but come into contact with it.
If you want a nice set-up, try going with mantellas or dart frogs. You can keep many of the same species (ssp.) in the smae enclosure. I had 8 little dart frogs in a 30" tank and I never saw them
I should have put 20, then maybe I would see them.
How about a setup of Day geckos?
Again, I recommend not mixing family, genus, or species. One type (species/subpsecies) per enclosure.