I just thought that I would show you some photos of my leos

In each photo, the leos' colours and patterns are changing as the leos get older. Let's start off with my male leopard gecko, Smeagol.<br><br><center>Smeagol was purchased from<a href="http://www.hqreptiles.com"> High Quality Reptiles</a> in January and was hatched October 25th, 2002. He is going to be my male breeder. He is a real sweety pie and is a very photogenic gecko

He was my first leopard gecko.<br><b>Here is Smeagol the first day that I had him:<br><img src="http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/500/1248smeagol1.gif"><br>***<br>Here is Smeagol a few months later:<br><img src="http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/511/1248eastersmeagol.gif"><br>***<br>And now, here is Smeagol today! This photo was taken a few hours ago so he hasn't changed much since then

<br><img src="http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/511/1248smeagol2.gif"><br><br></b>So that is Smeagol!! Now, it's time for you to meet my other leopard gecko, Tafkap!(Tafkap stands for "The Artist Formally Known As Princess")<br><center>Tafkap is my newest leopard gecko. She was purchased from <a href="http://www.tarzet.net"> Tarzet's Exotic Pets</a> in March, 2003. I believe that she was hatched in February, 2003. With each shed, she becomes more beautiful and I can't wait to see what her babies will look like!! She will be bred to Smeagol as soon as she is old and big enough

<b><br>Here is Tafkap at one month old:<br><img src="http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/500/7hatchlings_002.jpg" width="225" height="300"><br>***<br>Tafkap a few sheds later...

<br><img src="http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/511/1248xena.jpg"><br>***<br>Tafkap after shedding in May:<br><img src="http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/511/1248tafkap1.gif" width="161" height="168"><br>***<br>And last but not least, here is a photo of Tafkap which I took only a few hours ago:<br><img src="http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/511/1248tafkap2.gif"><br></b></center><br>So those are my wonderful little leopard geckos!!! What do you guys think?