Wonderful Reptile expo by PORT CREDIT PETS!
Today I went to the reptile expo that portcredit but on with all the other breders it was awsome. Marcus Jayn Ball pythons you guys had awsome ball pythons. And there were collared lizards and these awsome frilled dragons. You should of seen this one Red tailed pyhton it was beutiful! its colors on the tail were AWSOME!!!!! WHAT A BEUTY!!!!!!!! I saw a litlle miny version of my cornsnake there so cute when there baby's. I didn't get a chance to speak with you jeff I was going to but then I got side tracked on this beutiful red tailed boa lol. I saw you peeps from tarzets! nice herps! Everyone as there. Did anyone see me? The gurl with the ballpythonshirt? Anyone?? There was so many baby snakes and lizards. I'll tkae pics next time oh you should of seen those emarlds they were breth taking they always are and there was this pacman frogs they so funny looking. I would diffently check out any other ones. To any of those breeders who are reading this AWSOME JOB! kepp those herps coming  all i can say was cool!
Kayla Young
1.2 Corns, 0.1 Ball python, 0.1.2 crested gecko's and 0.0.1 Bearded dragon
Last edited by Nicky; 06-23-02 at 08:24 PM..