Iggy (as he was named by his previous owner), had MBD when I was called to pick him up. Sad to say, but his feet and toes are mangled, which makes climbing difficult for him. I'm not saying I like him this way, but it does make it harder for him to be destructive.
My room (er, his room, I mean!) is very secure. My Igger's and I like to shower together, sleep together, take long walks in the park together, etc. and No, this is not a joke! And we have a humidifier in our room, at about 80% (we live in NM so lot's of dry heat).
I wouldn't recommend 'Free Ranging' unless you are very cautious, are bonded with the animal, and can take the destruction to your curtains, carpets, etc. Having one of these guys loose is like having to watch a two year old child all day. The get into things, fall off things, eat things of the floor, etc. They should be crated when you aren't around to supervise them!
I prefer having my Ig free ranging, but no doubt, this isn't for everyone!