Just a few questions regarding leopard gecko care.... I'm new so bare with me
First quesiton is this - temperature? I have read a few care sheets and spoken to a few peoples and am gettin alota different answers to the question. What is the proper temp for the hot/cold side of a leo set up?
some people say daytime should be 95 on the hot side and some say it shoudl be 88 on the hot side and around 80 on the cool side. Evenings cool 70-75 and hot side around 80, now I have also read that in the evening the cool side can go as low as 65 degree's. My problem is my gecko is being housed at my friends house, right now his a/c is not working properly and the room the gecko is in gets around 85-90 during the day and drops to the low 80's in the evening.. the UTH is not suppose to go on if hte room temp is higher then 80 ? as per the instructions, this should be fine for now or what should I do?
next question the room in wich it is housed in is normally dark during the evenings but from time to time my friend will need to axcess the kitchen wich is the next room over when the light is on in the kitchen some spills out into the room where the gecko enclosure is thus letting some light into the room.. will this from time to time be a negative effect? should I have a cover over the tank at ngiht to ensure no light gettin into it?
thanks in advance - I'm sure i shall have more questions down the road... but i shall try to get the answers be4 posting a thread.