Did you mean actual saddle joining like this?...
<img src="http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/500/22shadybody.jpg">
Or did you mean more along the lines of all the saddles linked on the sides more similar to this?
<img src="http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/508/22naturalsunguyana1.jpg">
It isn't uncommon to see an animal with one or two joined saddles (I am referring to in the first pic), though it isn't quite as common to see animals with more saddles joined than that. It is considered to be aberrant, not striped, and is typically not genetic. Not sure what causes it, some believe temperature fluctuations (this would make sense since many are captive born or wild caught, and the mother would most likely experience unstable temps in her travels). It could be as simple as they just bleed together, no real reason, just that they aren't all uniformly marked animals. I don't think there have been any studies to date on this sort of thing, so it's all just speculation.