I'm going to take the plunge and buy one of these...a northern. I'm wondering what people think about substrate for them. I'm a little wary of using anything but newspaper. What does everyone esle use? I want something digestable if possible, but I'm not a lizard person - as you all know - so I need some opinions on this. Thanks!
- Victoria :w
0.2 Ball Pythons (Idunna & Freja), 1.2 Corn Snakes(Arden/Vanora & Liath), 1.0 Columbian Boa(Ruadh), 0.1 Rough Green Snake(Caoilin), 0.1 Trans-Pecos Rat Snake, 1.0 Western Hognose Snake(Perth), 0.1 Northern Blue-Tongued Skink