I came home today to see my chameleon (who can be classified as a rescue considering she has scars, bone showing on her head ornamentation, and is missing an inch or so off her tail) sitting on the ground of the cage (common: she's been fulling a lot these days). I picked her up to put her back on a branch but noticed to my dismay that her tail was broken about two centimeters from the end. The break was clean, and the remaining tail was hanging on by a few threads of skin and a tendon.
(tail before cutting it off... excuse the crappy picture quality, I did this alone)
I decided (following very helpful advice from dear Trace) to cut the end off a few millimeters below the actual break. Due to previous dammages, the area had no feeling and she felt no pain.
(the tail after cutting the end off and removing bits of mulch)
I cleaned up the end of her tail, rinsed it in a betadine solution and applied some polysporin. I put her in a sterile tank for (hopefully speady) recovery.
(removed tail end)