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Old 05-22-03, 07:56 PM   #1
Jacenta's Avatar
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Hi everyone... I received a call from a lady replying to an ad I placed in a local paper about some cresteds that I may sell. She told me that she looked around after reading my ad that she found people selling crested geckos for $15 a piece! WHAT?!! Is that possible? Seriously. I tried to get out of her WHERE exactly she found this information, and she tried to tell me that I've been scammed with the prices I've paid. She just vaguely told me that I just need to look around, that these people don't advertise... and she went on, made no sense, and never told me where or with whom I could buy these "$15 cresteds". Hmm... maybe she was trying to scam me, but she passed on my $65 gecko because she could just order them from "not too far away" for $15 each. That's fine with me. I dont know for a fact, but I was almost positive that the cheapest I've ever seen a crested be offered for sale for was $40, and that was for a brown/grey male or very plain and boring colored babies. What do you guys think?
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Old 05-22-03, 08:04 PM   #2
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I think that she was trying to scam you. Normally when people say "Oh yeah well i can find a place that sell them for $100"the person will say "Ok i wills ell it for 95 then..." blah blah blah...maybe she was trying to get an absurdly low price out of you? Although if she knew anything about crested geckos, she would know that there is no such thing as a $15 crested gecko! Geez...people like her bug me >:{
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Old 05-22-03, 08:08 PM   #3
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I don't know to much on what they are worth but i think she was just trying to get it for next to nothing
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Old 05-22-03, 10:04 PM   #4
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That sounds kinda fishy.....but I did get my crested for $35 @ a show.
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Old 05-23-03, 03:00 AM   #5
beth wallbank
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$15 for a crested......boy that would be something .......
I think your prices are more than fair, and I think this person is looking for some freebies.
This person is probably scamming you or is mistaken for another species.
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Old 05-23-03, 04:22 AM   #6
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Yeah this lady said that she owns a couple different kinds of reptiles, and that since she saw my ad, she looked up a bit about them. She tried to tell me that they were temperature sex determined, and I explained to her that it isn't proven yet with cresteds, that I know of a few breeders who've experimented with it and found inconclusive results. So she said that "geckos" in general are tsd. geeze. I burst out laughing when I got off the phone, because she was very reluctant to tell me where she found these "$15 cresteds." I think she was trying to get a freebee too. Oh well, she can keep her $15. Haha... I could tell that she was trying to sound professional and give ME advice (she just learned what crested geckos ARE) on prices and "you know, just look in breeder directories and you'll find them..." hahah. Anyways, thanks guys, I just wanted to make sure.
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