i have a B&W argentina tegu that is about 5 or 6 months old and when i first got it at the april expo and the first week he was at my house he was soooo calm and i could hold him whenever...NOW though hes INSANE!! everytime i try to come near him in the tank he huffs and puffs which probably means he doesnt want anything to do with me. He also doesnt come out much. Unless i find him in the malch or around 9, 10am he comes out too. HOW DO YOU CALM A LIZARD DOWN.. i just wish he would now i would never harm him...its so frustrating because when hes older i dont want him to be killer lizard and with his size im affraid he'll do some serious damage to me

. If you have any suggestions on how i could calm him down PLZ PLZ PLZ help me and i would be very happy. Has this ever happened to someone else and have you be able to calm the lizard down.
thanks in advance